Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Too long since last post!

It has been so busy since my last post. Thomas and I had the best time with Lana, Lee and Maya in Puerto Rico ( I will post pics as soon as I get from dad's camera) They were the best hosts and Maya was precious. Lana was able to spend a lot of time with Thomas and she loves him almost as much as I do :)

I finally told my work Hexter-Fair and My boss Pat who i have worked with for many years, that I am moving in Dec to be with Thomas in Kansas. It was very emotional and sad, but ever since I told her I feel so much better about the move. I will be sad to leave everyone exp my family but I am so ready to be able to be with Thomas on a daily basis. Long distance has been tough but he is absolutley worth it.

I am trying to spend as much time as I can with friends and family before Christmas, I leave 12/ family wouldnt be happy about me moving but b/c its for Thomas they are very happy, they think he is pretty awesome! I am excited to start my life with Thomas and this new adventure im Kansas... ill get pics soon of Puerto Rico but in the mean time here is yet another cute pic of my sweet MYMY (our new nickname for her, thomas made it up)